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紀念花園 我希望兒孫、摯友想起我的時候, 想起陽光清風、鮮花綠草, 以及生命的美好。 我希望留給世界多一片空間, 多一口清新空氣。 所以我選擇安息於大自然的懷抱。 一位選擇把骨灰撒放在紀念花園的有心人
Gardens of Remembrance I hope that when my children and friends remember me, they will think of warm sunshine, gentle breeze, flowers and greenery and the beauty of life. I want to leave more precious space and fresh air to the world, so I have chosen to rest in peace with nature. The wish of a person who has chosen to have his ashes scattered at a Garden of Remembrance
選擇將骨灰撒放在鮮花點綴 的青草地上,落葉歸根, 綠蔭後人,讓親友可隨時在 這翠綠憩靜的自然環境下 回想與自己的美好回憶。 市民可於食物環境衞生署所 設的紀念花園親自或由專人 代為撒放離世者的骨灰, 有關服務費用全免。此外, 他們可於園內舉行送別 儀式,紀念花園亦設有牌匾 紀念先人。
One may choose to return to nature by having his/her cremated ashes scattered on flowery grassland. Family members and friends can come to these tranquil surroundings at any time to remember the deceased. Members of the public can choose to scatter the cremated ashes of their loved ones themselves or with the help of dedicated staff at the Gardens of Remembrance provided by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. The service is free of charge. Memorial rituals may be performed. Commemorative plaques may also be mounted at the Gardens of Remembrance in fond memory of the deceased.
紀念花園位於以下的 靈灰安置所- •歌連臣角 •鑽石山 •和合石 •富山 •葵涌 •長洲 •坪洲 •南丫島
The Gardens of Remembrance are located at the following public columbaria- • Cape Collinson • Diamond Hill • Wo Hop Shek • Fu Shan • Kwai Chung • Cheung Chau • Peng Chau • Lamma Island
資料來源: http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/cc/images/ims_booklet.pdf
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